End Gun Violence


Orange is the color that Hadiya Pendleton’s friends wore in her honor when she was shot and killed in Chicago at the age of 15—just one week after performing at President Obama’s 2nd inaugural parade in 2013. After her death, Hadiya’s friends and family asked us to stand up, speak out, and wear orange to raise awareness about gun violence. Since then, orange has been the defining color of the gun violence prevention movement.

This year, we once again unite in our call to end gun violence as we come together for Wear Orange. We honor the communities shattered by gun violence alongside the more than 120 people who are shot and killed, and hundreds more who are wounded, every day in our country. Together, we call for meaningful action to save lives.

We should not have to live in fear that gunfire can ring out at any moment. We deserve more. Raise awareness by participating in Wear Orange online and in your community.


On National Gun Violence Awareness Day—June 7, 2024—we will #WearOrange to bring awareness to the gun violence crisis, which takes more than 120 lives and wounds hundreds more EVERY SINGLE DAY in this country. Learn more at wearorange.org.


Black Americans bear a disproportionate burden of gun violence, largely due to systemic inequities and generations of racial discrimination.

#WearOrange to call attention to this crisis that disproportionately harms Black communities.


Las personas latinas en los EE.UU. reciben el impacto de políticas y actitudes discriminatorias y se ven afectadas de forma desproporcionada por la violencia con armas de fuego y el odio.

#WearOrange para poner brillar una luz a esta creciente crisis en las comunidades latinas.


More than 25,000 people in America die from gun suicide every year—an average of 69 deaths a day. Disrupting access to guns in times of crisis can save lives.

#WearOrange to shine a light on this heartbreaking, and often preventable, crisis.


Children dying by gun violence is a uniquely American tragedy.

#WearOrange on National Gun Violence Awareness Day because no child should live in fear of gun violence—in their schools, neighborhoods, or anywhere.

For more information on how to End Gun Violence please visit our partners at



Trinity Episcopal Church Hosts Gun Violence Awareness Installation

Houston- Vidas Robadas/ Stolen Lives is a memorial hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church, Midtown Houston, to victims of gun violence. This event will honor individuals lost to gun violence from …

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